Paul Redmond for Wire Images
Paul Redmond for Wire Images

She may have left her high-profile talk show, but Oprah still supplies a lot of advice through her OWN network, her website and her magazine. Healthy Hairdresser peeked at her eight suggestions for improving your daily routine and living more joyously. Here, we share them with you along with our “2 cents”!


  1. Conquer your tech addiction. The idea here is to carve out a lot of time away from your phone. But when you’re a hairdresser, your phone is your professional lifeline. True, you don’t have to see every Instagram hair pic the second it’s posted, and it’s not a bad idea to spend dinnertime actually talking to your family members. So step a little back from your phone, but you don’t want to miss opportunities to make money from clients who call or email you. That would add to your stress, not remove it! 
  2. Embrace one type of fear. We are motivated by both the fear of failure and the fear of insignificance, according to the book Dream Year: Make the Leap from a Job You Hate to a Life You Love by Ben Arment, who advises losing your fear of failure but living by your fear of insignificance. We have to agree with that! Take risks with your art, go for as much education as you can, make sure you love going to work every day and change things if you’re not making a difference in some way. Don’t settle for being “insignificant.”
  3. Bulk up your upper body. There’s a lot of focus on “core” these days, but Oprah suggests getting into a habit of pushups or other arm-building techniques. We can’t argue with a recommendation for muscle-toning!
  4. Listen! If you’re a successful hairdresser, your listening skills are probably pretty sharp already. Still, a reminder never hurts. Pay attention to what people are saying, and wait until someone finishes before you begin to form your response in your head. 
  5. Kick Coke to the curb. Soda is just not good for you, and dropping this habit will immediately make you less prone to obesity. Diet sodas are full of chemicals. There are so many healthier choices today! Try a little lemon or strawberry in water, and you’ll feel better.
  6. Update your wardrobe. Our beauty professionals are out in front of this one! You’re already leading your clients and wearing the latest looks not only in hair and nails, but also in clothing. You are, right?
  7. Stare at clouds. This advice sounds a little odd, but it works if we expand it. Take some time to get inspired by looking at nature. It not only will relax you, but it will boost your artistry and give you ideas about hair color and shape.
  8. Save your pennies. When you find random bills and change in your pockets, toss the cash into a jar. Soon you’ll have saved enough for a quick trip to a beach or a ski slope to refresh!


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