Dr. Farouk Shami welcomed distributors and their representatives from the United States and...
Dr. Farouk Shami welcomed distributors and their representatives from the United States and globally for the company’s International Distributor Meeting

In celebration of Farouk Systems, Inc.’s 30-year anniversary of Innovation, Dr. Farouk Shami welcomed distributors and their representatives from the United States and globally for the company’s International Distributor Meeting. This year’s event was held in Houston, TX with over 300 guests in attendance.

Dr. Farouk Shami opened the 2-day event announcing their partnership with the LG Corporation. LG Electronics Inc. is a South Korean multinational electronics company headquartered in Yeouido-dong, Seoul, and a member of the LG Group, employing 82,000 people working in 119 local subsidiaries worldwide. This collaboration brings the latest technology and advancements to the beauty industry.

Announcements continued with the company’s plans to expand manufacturing and warehousing by building a facility in Egypt to better serve Africa and the Middle East. This expansion will eventually include plants in Europe, Asia and beyond in order to serve the world with CHI and BioSilk products (Houston, TX will remain the home headquarters for Farouk Systems).

“I enjoy innovation and raising the level of hairdressing around the world," Shami says. "We are devoted to this industry and will seek out the best ingredients, technology and education possible. In the past year, we have done over 15,000 classes with over 2000 educators providing the finest education.”

Shami credits much of the company’s success to his team. He introduced his son, Rami Shami, CEO; Lisa Marie Garcia, President of Innovations; Scott Emery, President of International Sales and Stuart Feldshon, President of North American Sales Division. Each presented their overview and plans for the future that included marketing, public relations, education, sales, Club CHI Program and new product launches for the remainder of 2016. The closing announcement included plans for the Farouk Systems International Conference in Cancun, Mexico 2017.

The marketing portion was delivered by Marketing Director, Celeste Figueroa. Her presentation featured the company’s additional partnerships with Seventeen Magazine as well as Univision. Both campaigns will be designed to create community outreach and inspire the youth of today.

In closing,  Shami once again stressed his commitment to the industry and open door policy. He ended by asking, “How can we serve you better?”


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