Environmental Checklist

Like many large corporations, Zotos is paving the way for a better environment with eco-friendly business practices. Its manufacturing plant in Geneva, New York, is the setting for most of the company’s recent eco upgrades. Among them:

• Sending factory waste to a local waste-to-energy facility that incinerates it and produces steam and electricity which is then provided to the local community for a low cost. 

• Leak identification program—seek out and repair all air, water and natural gas leaks.

• Identify and track instances where water is wasted.

• Train employees in energy awareness when performing routine operations.

• Add motion sensor lighting controls to areas of infrequent activity, and use energy-efficient light bulbs. 

• Request a calibration verification from electric, water and gas companies to ensure meters are accurately measuring water and gas usage.

• Perform all preventative maintenance activities on equipment to ensure safe operation at full efficiency.

• Remove excess materials and clutter from the work areas and recycle these items.

• Upgrade windows with modern energy efficient, weather-proven materials.

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