Sometimes it’s hard to see babylights on dense textured hair, but Lindsey Olson (@lindsey.marie.olson), Sam Villa Ambassador, has a version that delivers a gorgeous natural glow.
“I use much larger sections and just bump the color up a few levels to give a subtle glow on textured hair. If traditional babylights were applied you would never see them,” explains Olson.
Olson says the same method can be used for more contrast, depending on the formula. Both high contrast and subtle colors have their challenges with textured hair, from visibility to the integrity of the curls. Always using only 10 or 20 volume Redken Pro-Oxide will help achieve a healthy and dimensional result.
Babylights for Textured Hair
- Take zigzag partings with large weave sections and hand paint with Redken Blonde Idol with 20 volume. Paint top of section and back, then use hands to blend color all the way through. Leave out 2-3 inches from Zone One to keep depth at the base.
- Apply in all four quadrants and process for 45 minutes at room temperature.
- Rinse, then shampoo and condition with Redken All Soft Mega.
- Working in small sections, apply Mizani 25 Miracle Milk Leave-in Conditioner throughout the entire head.
- Again, working in small sections, apply Mizani Styling Foam Wrap and create individual loose twists in each section.
- Diffuse with a Sam Villa Vision Blow Dryer on low air and medium heat. Start with head tilted all the way forward for maximum volume and rotate head all the way back to dry opposite sides until hair is 100% dry.
- Use a hair pick to rake base to create more volume.
- Apply Redken All Soft Argan-6 Oil for shine and to define ends.
“The size of these sections increases with higher curl patterns, but can be used on wavy hair as well, just use smaller sections,” adds Olson.
Credits: Photographer, Color & Style/Lindsey Olson; Model/Emily Marrero from Alicja Models; Make Up/Natalie Shepard.
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