1. Prep hair by applying a
thermal protective spray
and smoothing with a
fl atiron. Create hair pads
by placing hair fi ller into
nets. Create a small,
tight bun in the center
back of the head. This
will serve as the anchor
for the hair pad.
2. Place two pads over the
bun, as shown, and pin
into place.
3. Cover the pads with
4. Secure the end of the
pads with elastic and
the base of the pads
with a ribbon.
5. Gather the tip of the
style into a hair net for
control and polish.
6. Finish with decorative
ribbon at the base and
tip as shown.
The Smiths are known for their avant-garde work and they have the awards to prove it.
Here, they demonstrate an elaborate upstyle— created with a foundation of hair pads—that can be exaggerated for avantgarde work or subdued for a salon client.
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