To celebrate MODERN's 100,000 Facebook LIKES and to thank our fans for helping us get there, get ready for exciting giveaways!!
Throughout this celebration, we're going to post a fill-in-the-blank question for you to answer once per day. If we choose your answer as one of our favorites, you win that day's giveaway! We're talking free shears, shampoos, stylers, nail polishes and more as we celebrate this huge milestone! Each day brings a new post and a new opportunity to win something cool, so make sure you "LIKE" MODERN's Facebook page!
In honor of CHI's backstage presence at Miss Universe, Wednesday, December 19th's question was: If I could visit anywhere in the universe to be a hairdresser for a day, it would be _________...
If we picked your answer as one of the best 10, we're going to direct message you on Facebook to get your address to send you a Farouk Systems Royal Treatment gift set!
Farouk Royal Treatment by CHI gives you the tools to achieve beautiful hair using the finest quality ingredients.
• A sulfate and paraben-free system
• Protection against the effects of time, sun, wind, and thermal damages
The 10 MODERN Facebook fans who will be receiving the gift set are below! Congratulations to the winners—keep an eye on those Facebook inboxes!
If I could visit anywhere in the universe to be a hairdresser for a day, it would be _________....
1...on a space ship. I want to do hair at zero gravity.—I. Zoe-Hair Designer at Brooke Roman Studio
2...any third world country that can't afford it. I would love to make their day. —Julie Serrano
3...Haiti or somewhere where there has been destruction, so that the people who have seen such devastation can get pampered and see the beauty in themselves and in the world again, and just distract them for the day —Samantha Rae Lauzon
4...London, New York, Paris and Japan because some of the world's top hairdresser's are born and made in these Fashion Capitols. —Linda Mason
5...Paris, France!! It is still the avant garde capital. High fashion lives there. My dream is to do high fashion hair in Paris!!—Geri Brogdon-Mayes
6...I would go to Sandy Hook, Penn. to be there for a grieving parent, to help them look as much like themselves as they possibly can at a time when they don't even want to get up and get dressed let alone figure out how to look on the day they bury a precious child. To be there for only a moment when they need to cry and be angry and have it be ok. That's where I would go and do hair just for 1 day!!— Desmay Clinkingbeard
7..I would enjoy doing Kate's hair when after her labor and delivery for pictures going out world wide! Talk about some awesome advertisement!:)—Jamie Lee Clark
8...NYC Fashion week!! To be around Celebrities, all the models, the rush of everything and seeing my work go down the runway for everyone to see would be a blessing! —Sean Gardner
9...I would stay here in our universe right here in the u.s and visit as many homeless shelters and salvation armies as I could. It's a dream of mine to someday volunteer in these places at least once a month or preferably once a week to help those that need it most, right here in our own back yards. —Ann Mallette Finley
10...I would visit India. There are many young girls being rescued from sex trafficking rings and I would love to help rebuild their self esteem with a new hair cut. The right hair cut could make them feel brand new, and ready to start life over. —Natasha Young
REMEMBER.... Each day brings a new post and a new opportunity to win something cool, so make sure you, and your collegues, "LIKE" MODERN's Facebook page!
The best hairdressers are the ones who _____
I love being a hairdresser because ______
The most inspiring day in my career was ______
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