For over twenty-five years, Malibu C has been teaching "Total Oxidation Management" to colorists worldwide. The “T.O.M.” approach emphasizes the importance of removing oxidized minerals from the hair before every service to ensure success, and also offers innovative techniques on how to stop oxidation both between each color process and at the end of every service.

 According to Tom Porter, Founder and CEO of Malibu C "Understanding oxidation, which is present in all coloring, bleaching and foiling processes, is imperative for colorists to be able to effectively create permanent hair color. Once a licensed cosmetologist has mastered the management of oxidation, the same principles can be applied to skincare. Total Oxidation Management uses pure, active ingredients that the professional and/or their clients activate themselves to ensure maximum results. This technology has proven highly effective for both hair and skin. "

 Just as Total Oxidation Management can solve the most severe hair issues including, but not limited to: poor gray coverage, discoloration, color fading, breakage and damage. Cosmetologists can also use this Malibu C approach to solve over 15 serious conditions of the scalp and skin, including acne, age spots, skin tags, keratosis, dermatitis and dandruff, to name a few.

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