Guide to Essential Oils: PLUS Review of Maijan

I recently had the pleasure of test driving a new salon professional essential oil brand, Maijan Hair and Beauty. All of the Maijan products are made with 100 percent Moroccan Argan Oil. The line contains a selection of high quality oil treatments including, Moroccan Argan Oil with Grapeseed and Essential Oils, Moroccan Argan Oil Leave-In Hair Serum and Argan Oil Shimmer Shine Spray.

Essential oils claim to reduce hair loss, soothe scalp irritation and contribute to hair growth. The science behind these oils is they work by producing a gentle warming sensation on the scalp that increases circulation to that area. This increased circulation nourishes the hair follicles in the region by encouraging the flow of nutrients from the blood.

I am somewhat of a natural hair fanatic and have been using oils for years, throughout my entire hair journey and have reaped the benefits. Check out my hair journey blog here!

Guide to Essential Oils: PLUS Review of Maijan

So you can probably imagine how excited I was to test drive Maijan. After a week of use, I can truly say the Maijan oils live up to the hype. For my particular hair texture (3b/3c tight coils), I struggle with hair dryness and combating frizz. The Maijan products not only helped to retain moisture in my hair, but I also saw less shedding and breakage during my styling.

Maijan products do have a slight fragrance. The scent is similar to henna. For clients who are sensitive, I would recommend combining the Maijan oils with a complimentary product, such as a water-based conditioner or moisturizer.



1. Quality Will Cost You

Many clients are often put off by the price of essential oils, but price is usually a direct reflection of quality. We all know that quality is everything. You can determine this easily by looking at a product's ingredient list. For example, if you want to use Moroccan oil on your client, look for brands with Moroccan oil listed as the first or second ingredient. If you find that it is not, or Mineral oil is listed first than it's a dud. The Maijan oils passed this test.  

2. As a Pre-Poo Treatment

Maijan Pure Moroccan Argan Oil infused with Grapeseed and Essential Oils is a great option for pre-shampooing your client’s hair. Pre-poo treatments can help with detangling, locking in extra moisture while washing and can help to prevent shampoo from “stripping” natural oils from hair.

Divide your client's hair into four sections. Apply Maijan Pure Moroccan Argan Oil infused with Grapeseed Oil and Essential Oils to each section from root to end. Place a shower cap over the hair for 30 minutes. Shampoo/wash hair as usual.

3. As a Deep Conditioner

Select a water-based conditioner of your choice. My personal favorite in the DevaCurl One Condition. Divide your clients hair into four sections. Apply your water-based conditioner to each section from root to end.

Then apply the Maijan Fine Hair Boost Hair Oil Treatment with Argan and Aloe Vera Oil to each section from root to end. The Maijan Fine Hair Boost Hair Oil Treatment combines Argan Oil, Neem Oil, Castor Oil, Rosemary Oil and Aloe Vera Oil for an intense conditioning. Place a shower cap over the hair and place your client underneath a hooded dryer for 45 minutes. 

4. As a Sealant

Select a water-based moisturizer of your choice. My personal favorite is the Mizani True Textures Moisture Stretch. Apply product in 4-6 small sections from root to end. To seal in the product apply two to three drops of the Maijan Deep Conditioning Boost Hair Oil Treatment with Argan and Lavender Oils to each section. The combination of these oils will help to trap the moisture into your client’s hair cuticle.

For more product information, visit

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