She created the Katniss braid. She designed the hair for The Hunger Games. And now, Linda Flowers, Hair Department Head, is Catching Fire as the latest in the Hunger Games trilogy of films (based on the books) prepares to launch.
Last year, Flowers was working on wigs to present to the director and costume designer for their input and approval for a film that she was designing. The film was, of course, Catching Fire, the second in the trilogy, but at the time, she was still being discreet. Her t-shirt, however, gives her away!
In this video, she is at The Doves Studio in Santa Monica where she spent two days with owners Christopher and Sonya Dove, along with InStyler Professional’s Dean Banowetz, celeb hairdresser Alyn Topper and Emmy-Award winning stylist, Joe Matke. This talented team was working with Flowers to experiment with design and color for the many wigs required for the film.
“When there is that much hair to do,” says Flowers. “I need to know that I have the very best of the best that can follow direction, re-create exact formulas and work as a team, all while completely adding to the creative discussion. All of these people are incredibly creative in their own right.”
Banowetz, who has been lead hair designer on American Idol, does interview-duties here.
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