Facebook-Change-ButtonFacebook has announced that it is cleaning up the content that appears in its users newsfeeds. What does this mean? Facebook is no longer a niche platform for businesses. Users are getting content thrown at them from every direction, whether they want it or not. As it turns out, Facebook users are sick of seeing boring business plugs on their home pages, and sick of getting spammed as they innocently click on seemingly harmless content. So Facebook is taking initiative and protecting its users from spam, redundancy, and just plain uninteresting content. But never fear, because I’m here to protect you! Let’s be sure that your content is rich and engaging and doesn’t include some of the no-nos below. 

What’s different?

• Reduced “like-baiting”. Posts that encourage commenting and liking in order to beat the News Feed algorithm will be limited.

• Reduced “frequently circulated content”. Viral posts will now only show up once in users’ feeds.

• Ditched “spammy links”. Links that lead users to advertisements or spam will be eliminated all together.

So what for your salon?

These changes are being made so that boring, redundant business posts don’t interrupt the consumers’ friend and interest feeds. However, these changes are based solely on content. If utilizing your social business strategy correctly, these changes shouldn’t have an effect on your reach or your engagement. Staying on top of consumer feeds is simple: don’t use spam (obviously) and don’t be boring. Facebook is trying to beat obnoxious and dull content, so stay relevant and exciting. Engage with consumers in honest and legitimate ways, and your posts are good to go!


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Twitter:      www.twitter.com/kellyehlers


LinkedIn:   www.linkedin.com/in/kellyehlers


Pinterest:   www.pinterest.com/evokebrands


About www.EvokeBrands.com:

At Evoke Brand Strategies we develop digital, social and mobile strategies for salon professional, beauty, hospitality and entertainment brands. As branding and public relations veterans, yet early adopters of all things digital, we understand the importance of creating measurable, buzz-worthy campaigns that generate bottom-line results. 

Kelly Ehlers

Kelly Ehlers

Owner - Evoke Brand Strategies

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