Aj Lashmett is an accomplished artist and in-demand educator who posted this gorgeous cut and color finish on Instagram. We lifted her formula and steps from her post and want to share it with the world.
Check out Aj on Instagram (@AJLASHMETT) where her profile statements (Art. Simplicity. Learning. Unlearning. Joy. Connections. Sharing. Exploration. Humans. Compassion. Giving. Receiving. Tenacity.) make us as happy as this hair. Here it is:
Cut: Square length, triangular convex layering in back, round concave layering in front
Color Base Formula: 5VV=5NA + 10Volume
Toner Formula: 8R (1/4) + 10V (3/4) + 7 volume
Step one: Part large Mohawk from recessions to crown—split in half. Diagonal back slices creating a herringbone patter, leave 1 inch between foils for medium density, apply lightener with 20-30 vol midstrand through ends, feather up 2 inches from base.
Step two: T-part around Mohawk parting, Using steep diagonal backs apply Base Color from base to lower midstrand. Saturate lightener with a lower developer on ends (this creates a darker blonde than the top, creating more dimension) and feather up to base color. Do this for all four quadrants.
Step three: Process until lightener reaches at least a level 8/9 in quads and leave 10 in foils. (Use professional discretion to determine if your canvas is healthy enough to lift so aggressively.
Step four: Apply toner base up to ends, pull through ends once toner starts to noticeably develop.
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