Anastasia Amico's inspiration for this look is the Chicago winter snow. "It goes from a pretty white into a deep, dark slush!" says Amico, JAAD Artistic Color Director. "This also resembles Neapolitan ice cream! Delishhhh! So I decided to allow a color-melt pink strip. Ironically, when we left our building there was a snowstorm outside! "
Neapolitan Slush w/ Blush: From old blonde to block bomb
TIP: Start your applications at the nape area on a diagonal from the ear to ensure neatness
#1 Section forehead to nape into 2 blocks
#2 Fill the chosen block with ammonia free Daring Red (direct stain, no developer) then dry towel blot the excess
#3 Apply 1N John Amico Color Creme + 10 vol (1:1)
#4 Lightener Retouch with John Amico I'm Blonde Creamy Bleach + 20 vol (1:1), process 30 minutes and pull through
#5 Rinse with very cold water (knees on the chair and face in the sink)
#6 Apply pink melting strip, JA Custom Blush Pink + 10 volume (1:2)
#7 Tone blonde with JA Ultra Violet Blonde Cream + 10 volume (1:2)
#7 Rinse, condition, cut, style
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