When it comes to salon culture, business coaches are fond of brandishing warnings to their salon-owner clients: “If you don’t make a conscious decision to define and cultivate your salon culture, it will be cultivated for you—and it might not be a culture you want.”
What is salon culture? It’s that invisible, yet tangible, energy that distinguishes the salon or spa, binds its team and attracts clients. A clear culture can guide a salon leader’s business decisions, inspire team members to exceed goals, draw fresh talent into the salon, all while maximizing service and retail sales.
For those owners willing to embrace the challenge, creating and nurturing salon culture can be a full-time job. But the payoff is worth the work, as it can result in a creative and positive work environment where everyone thrives.
To help you on this journey, we’ve gathered six culture-minded salon owners who share how they involved their team members in designing their culture, how they use their culture to guide important business decisions and what activities they embrace to keep their culture alive and growing.
Follow the link to each salon to read their Culture Club story:
Signatures Salon: Reinventing the Work Week
Studio Be: Coaching to the Core Values
Bobby Cooper Salon: Work Hard, Play Hard
Ginger Bay Salon & Spa: Daily Infusions of Culture
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Originally posted on Salon Today