Eufora’s Director of Business Education, Joanne Magana, encourages stylists and salon owners to realize their phobia surrounding retailing is a faux-fear.
"First. realize that you already doing it," Magana says. "We sell every day. We negotiate things, we have our own businesses, you ask your child or significant other to do something for you... We are always selling somehow someway. Everybody wants something, has needs and will buy sooner or later. They are sophisticated decision makers. However, they still need and desire your professional advice and guidance. Not doing so is a break in the client/salon professional relationship."
Overcoming the fear of selling – This fear keeps people from their full earning potential.
1. Pinpoint your fear of selling.
Know the source of your fear. What exactly is that? How does it make you feel? Most often, fears come from not being liked, inadequate, being pushy, and being rejected. You want to shift out of your fear and into excitement about sharing your product and services. Knowing the source of your fear is an important part of overcoming your fear.
2. Take action to address the source.
Do you need more product knowledge so that you speak with confidence being more authentic? Find ways to “bounce back” after a rejection which is easier to do if you don’t take no personally.
3. Shift your perspective.
How would it feel to think of yourself as sharing information about what you do? Or "showing benefits" or "sharing your passion?" If you feel uncomfortable or anxious about "selling"- find a way to shift your perspective to one of sharing information rather than "convincing someone to buy."
4. Keep track of your successes and goal set.
This will help you stay aware of how much you are doing right!
5. Stay focused on the desired outcome.
If a guest takes your professional recommendation and purchases product for home maintenance, what is the outcome of that?
6. Detach from how the outcome shows up.
Instead of getting attached to closing the sale, focus on the effort I will give the guest an enthusiastic great educational experience rather than the outcome: They will buy X number of this.
7. Learn how to handle objections.
If a guest responds with “I need to think about it” or “I can’t afford it” aren’t necessarily rejections. They are objections that can be handled. Sometimes we need to do a better job of explaining the value.
8. Keep practicing and be consistent.
Each time you decline to offer your professional expertise to your guests, you are building a wall. To tear down the wall, set goals. Each time you act on it, you are chipping at the wall which prevents your financial success.
9. Talk about investment versus cost.
“Because you said you wanted shiny, healthy hair, you are making an investment.”
10. Use positive affirmations. Think positive every day!
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