Warm and cool come together for this iconic look from Framesi.
Warm and cool come together for this iconic look from Framesi.

The warm mahogany red, which suits summer-tanned skin, is cooled down by Framesi dark blue sections in the fringe.

Natural level 4
Formula 1: 1 part Framesi Decolor B Cream Plus with 2 parts 30-volume developer
Formula 2: Framesi Framcolor, 30 cc/1 oz Eclectic 5ME with 60 cc/2 oz Framesi Framcolor Eclectic Activator Extra
Formula 3: 15 cc/½ oz Framcolor Bold Cobalt Blue

1. Isolate a ¾-inch-wide section, staying about 1 inch away from the front hairline. Use the following reference points: Start at the end of the left eyebrow arch, move to the inner end of the left eyebrow arch, then to the front juncture of the right ear.
2. Apply Formula 1 to this isolated section. Process until you reach level 7.
3. While Formula 1 is processing, apply Formula 2 to the base. Process 30 minutes, as you watch the isolated section.
4. Shampoo the hair and dry. Apply Formula 3 to the pre-lightened section, process 20 minutes and rinse.

Color and style: Italian Style Energy, Framesi
Photographer: Karel Losenicky
Makeup: Silvia Dell’Orto

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