Madison Roulan (@mads_hair) of L'appartement Hair Boudoir, NYC, says her client came to see her after having grown out a bad drastic ombré. " As you can see her hair was over-proccessed and had no blend to the ombré. She came into the salon for me to create something more natural looking," says Roulan.
Here she shares the details for the correction:
Step 1: Take one inch sections starting at the nape and apply Wella Blondor with 30vol (with B3 added) and alternate slicing and weaving in a balayage technique.
Step 2: Continue to slice and weave until you reach the crown and then switch to weaving only.
Step 3: Process to level 9 blonde. Shampoo.
Step 4: Tone with Redken 9v for 7 minutes then rinse and condition.
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