Khloe Nguyen (glamdoll1) of Orange County, CA, says, "My level 2 client, Asian, came in with about 3 inches of new growth, mid lengths about a level 5 with some uneven spots, with ends level 8 blonde."
Here she shares the details for this faded to dusty lavender makeover:
Step 1: Using a "foliage technique" balayage, apply lightener with 30 volume developer and Olaplex from new growth through mids. At ends apply the same lightener with 20 volume developer and Olaplex.
Step 2: Lift to an even blonde, level 10. Treat with Olaplex #2 for 10 minutes. Shampoo.
Step 3: Using Guy Tang Mydentity, apply 30g 8sp + Pink Diamond to roots and drag out about 3 inches.
Step 4: Then apply 50g AR + Pink Diamond from mids to ends. Process for 20 minutes.
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