Getting and staying healthy in the salon or barbershop is about establishing healthy routines and sticking to your program, no matter what the day throws at you.
Here are my top 5 tips for lunch behind the chair:
Block it – Mark out your lunch in your book before the day begins. If you think you will just take your lunch when you have a moment it will never happen. Selecting a consistent time from day to day sets expectations for clients and team members. It also sets an expectation for your stomach.
Move it – Get out of the shop for lunch if you can. Being called out of the back room two bites into a sandwich is not a lunch break. Walk-in clients begging you to “just trim me up and you can go back to your lunch” is not a lunch break. Go to the café at the end of the shopping center. Go to the park across the street. Go sit in your car. Get out of the shop.
Take it – Once you book it. Take it. Stick to your guns. Stick to your book. If you don’t take care of you, you cannot take care of them.
Brown bag it – You know you will be hungry by about noon. You know the healthy choices within the area are slim to none. Think ahead and plan for lunch. Brown bagging it lets you make better choices. You will feel better, look better and be healthier for the brown bag choice. You will save a fortune, too. Brown bag it for a year and use the savings for a week’s vacation or to fund that hair show trip.
Breathe it – Eat your lunch to nourish your body. Breathe deep to nourish your soul. Lunch is about more than food. It is a physical health function and a mental health necessity. Getting away from clients and the shop for a few minutes will make you a more effective service provider for the rest of the day.
Talk to me about how you make the most of your lunch break. Visit here again for more of our healthy haircutter conversation.
Ivan Zoot AKA ClipperGuy is your healthy haircutter coach. Get and stay healthy, wealthy and wise with clipperguy support. For more information visit Ivan at
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