MODERN found this ah-mazing makeover by Roxy on her equally amazing Instagram page: @roxybeautytouch. Known as a "Blonding Queen", the artist, based at Henry Beauty Atelier, Glendale, California, shares the details for this major correction after saying "Self bleaching is never a good idea - it will cost you more money to correct it." For this correction, Roxy adds that you need to go slow and steady to prevent breakage.
Step 1: Root bleach with Guy Tang MyDentity Big9 with 30 volume, with Olaplex added.
Step 2: Correct the orange with Guy Tang MyDentity Magnum8 with 20 volume with Olaplex added. Process to desired lift and rinse.
Step 3: Tone with Redken 9P (half and half).
Step 4: Treat with Olaplex #2 for 30 minutes.
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