This transformation process is a hairdresser's dream!
"It's not often we get to transform virgin hair into gorgeous dimensional blonde!" says Liz Calo (@hiphopkids) of Luxe Lab (@luxelab) Santa Monica, CA.
"It had been about 12 years since her last color, and this client wanted to enhance her golden hair with a low maintenance blonde, leading us to a balayage technique. Balayage often allows some of my clients to go 4-5 months between appointments."
Here the artist shares details for this gorgeous transformation on her natural level 7 strawberry blonde client:
Step 1: Using L'Oreal Professionnel Platinium Plus and 35 volume developer, balayage the front two sections of her hair beginning on the right section (since this was the heavy side).
Step 2: Move to the left section, changing to a 40 volume developer with Smart Bond. Then go to the back upping the volume to 40.
Step 3: Process without heat for 15 minutes. Then, with a diffuser manually applied heat to the sections that needed a little lifting help. Rinse.
Step 4: Tone with Majirel Dia light 9.01 with equal parts clear with 6 volume developer to curb the warmth and enhance brightness.
To finish: "This client's hair was very fine, but dense in texture. She told me her hair has a hard time holding shape without a curling iron, therefore, I set her foundation using Shu Uemera Wonder Worker, then applied Shu Uemura Essence Oil cream for heat and UV protection. Finally, I applied Shu Uemura Fiber Lift at the root and worked it through the ends for volume and hold. Then, using my round brush I was able to get this beautiful undulating finish."
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