This year’s winning contestant, Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters, Miss South Africa, sported an elegant...

This year’s winning contestant, Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters, Miss South Africa, sported an elegant braided bun styled by CHI artist Julian Macias.

Ninety-two women from around the world competed in the 66th annual Miss Universe pageant, held at The Axis at Planet Hollywood Hotel in Las Vegas. With more contestants than ever came an array of beauty looks, including a variety of hair textures, colors and lengths.

As the official hair-care sponsor for more than 10 years, Farouk Systems, Inc., the maker of BioSilk, CHI and Esquire Grooming, celebrated the longstanding sponsorship of the Miss Universe competition. Eighteen Farouk Systems global artists, including leading artists Tammy Mixon, Albert Luiz, Patrick Kalle and Lorena Garcia, were backstage helping the women’s vision of their competing look come to life.

“Miss Universe is important for us to be a part of because each area, each country, each region has different things they do with their hair,” says Scott Emery, Farouk Systems, Inc. president of international sales. “What we’re showing with these products is their total versatility. They’re able to be used on all hair types and textures, and you can be artistic and creative with them. Miss Universe proves these products work across the world.”


Jamie Newman

Jamie Newman

Senior Editor

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