Rachel Beckham @rachel.justine
Gina Damiano @hairbygina
Sarajane Maples @blushandmane
Amanda Killen @stylistamandaelaine
Sarajane Maples @blushandmane
Alycia Smith @page.paints
Elizabeth Dugan @salonelizabeth_buffalo
Bailey Schiess @schiessstyles
Heather Schmick @heatherhairandbridalstylist
Jamie Wiley @jamiewileyhair
Jordan Gibbs
Beth Fellman @bethfellman_hair
Tori Ellis
Taylor Lamb @taylor_lamb_hair
Kelley Brandon @kelleyscanvas
Rachel Beckham @rachel.justine
Jessica Tyransky @jt_hairandmakeup
Meaghan Masterson @meaghanmastersonhair
Kristen Peckich @lapomponnee
Casey Powell @updoguru
Catalina Drouillard @catalinadrouillard
Sarah Naslund @mybighairday
Rachel Biestman @maqandmane
Laura Rocha @l_v_r_
Renee Plante @Styles_by_reneemarie
Cristina Villarreal @bycristinavillarreal
Heather Schmick @heatherhairandbridalstylist
Bailey Schiess @schiessstyles
Jessica Bartolucci @salon.187
Stephanie Alvarez
When it comes to weddings, love is all you need. But having a good hair day on the most important day of your life? That’s pretty essential, too. MODERN has gathered a collection of 30 hairstyles for your client’s big day that are sure to make heads turn (seriously, we want to see that beautiful back styling) from the moment she walks down the aisle. Get ready to start pinning!
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