This natural copper hair color is a great way to transition your redheads into spring. DJ McGinley, artist from Accent on Beaute in Jenkintown, PA, created this "Copper Couture" look using shades from L'Oreal Professionnel's Color Me French line.
Multi Techniques Powder/Dia Light/Smartbond
Balayage Formula: Blond Studio Multi Techniques Powder and 20-vol Majicreme developer with Smartbond Step 1
Gloss Formula: DIA Light 7.31 and 9-vol DIActivateur developer with Smartbond Step 1
Register for an Academy class today!
L'Oreal Professionnel offers education in disciplines such as balayage, styling, color, cutting and development.
Visit: for their 2018 class offerings and registration page!
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