Breaking Into Beauty will take place May 5 in Omaha, Nebraska.
Breaking Into Beauty will take place May 5 in Omaha, Nebraska.

Whether you need to re-spark your fire or want to see if the beauty industry is a good fit for you, Kristina Lee wants the event she conceptualized, Breaking Into Beauty, to do all of that and more. 

Breaking Into Beauty is a day-long event in Omaha, Nebraska, where Lee lives, on May 5. Keynote speakers and presenters include stylists Sam Villa and Presley Poe and makeup artists Jordan Hanz and Nick Metos

Lee, Breaking Into Beauty's founder and artistic director, entered the beauty industry 10 years ago as a hair and makeup artist. She remembers it being incredibly inspiring, encouraging and collaborative. But, in the past few years, she says she has seen a change. 

"A lot has changed with unhealthy competition and online negativity," Lee says. "I feel like now it’s about one upping each other, when in reality there is room for everyone." 

She says creating an event like this has always been in her heart, even since she was in beauty school, but she never felt like she had the time. But, last year, she made the time. Her passion for hair and makeup started to fizzle out, and at that point she knew she had to create an event for both herself and for others who may feel the same way to reignite their passion. Lee feels like the industry could use this more than ever. 

"The industry needs something like this, to get a group of people together who have like-minded goals to all get together," Lee says. "This is for people in the industry kind of in a funk who need inspiration and motivation. It’s for people who want to get in the industry to uplift it. We can start supporting each other and send the message to everyone to create a more positive industry."

Lee's number-one passion is people and seeing them happy. She says she wants to see people succeed together, and her goal with Breaking Into Beauty is to be a catalyst for that.

Villa and Poe will share their beauty journeys in motivational sessions. Metos will do a makeup 101 lesson and Hanz will present a hands-on lesson in special effects makeup. All four influencers will join together on a panel at the end of the day.  

I've known Sam for seven years; he has been so kind and inspiring since day one,” Lee says. "Presley has a really cool story I'm excited for her to share.”

 The day will end with a cocktail hour and party that is sure to be an absolute blast, celebrating the day with surprises to come. 

Lee is projecting 250 people in attendance. Sponsors include Sam Villa, Morphe Brushes, MODERN SALON, Kryolan Professional, NYX Professional and Paul Mitchell.

For tickets to Breaking Into Beauty, visit Use the discount code MODERN for $170 off tickets!


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