It’s a simple product backed by a heart felt purpose and desire to help hairdressers.

Over 30 years ago, Debra Fisher got her cosmetology license. Early in her career as a cosmetologist she worked as a corrective make-up artist at a medical clinic in Dallas, Texas. There she learned the harsh truths of what burn victims face. In an unforgiving world, people are often judged by their appearance. There she worked with people who had severe burns to the face. She also worked with patients who had skin issues from injury, surgery or birth defects. And when she was able to ‘hide the imperfections’ with make-up she could see the renewed self-image her patients had.

With each of her burn patients she noticed they would wear material over their burned area. This was compression material that protected the burned skin, helped control scarring and improved the appearance of injured skin. This material really helped burn patients have better results with their skin.

While she had experience in this field, she also cut hair.  Being a hairdresser herself she always noticed that she would get burned from using hot beauty tools. Now she was the one getting burned! With her experience in the medical make-up industry coupled with her hairdressing career, she was more keenly aware of this problem that not only hairdressers face but also consumers who use hot appliances at home.

Seeing the need for better protection from burns, Debra sought out to find products that would give her the protection she desired. To her surprise she wasn’t impressed with any of the products available on the market. She decided to create her own. She went on a mission to find the best material for resisting heat that would give flexibility to the fingers one needs to use hot beauty tools. Interestingly enough, she realized that similar material to the compression material she used on her burn patients was useful for protecting people from burns as well. After years of design modification and sourcing the right material, she finally honed down on her final design.

As you can see Jatai Heat Shields were created with care and heart. Down to the last detail these shields are quality finger guards, sure to protect you from nasty burns to the fingers. While severe burn can leave lasting scars, we can all do a lot to prevent them from happening in the first place. And that prevention can start with Jatai Heat Shields.

You can find Jatai Heat Shields at, or at Salon Centric stores.

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