Report: Who Spends on Beauty, Where Do They Live and What Will They Try Next?

The MINDBODY Wellness Index is a report devoted to all things beauty: spend, demographics, services consumers want to try next, top beauty and grooming services for men and women – and it’s even broken down by U.S. markets.

Some key takeaways include:

Top beauty and grooming services for women: 59% got a manicure or pedicure in the past year

The services women are currently using tend to differ across age groups. While 46–65 year-olds lead in hair cutting and color, higher percentages of the other two age groups tend to get manicures or pedicures, eyebrow waxing or threading, and body waxing.

Hair styling and blow drying is equally appealing to all three age groups. Half of all women received this beauty service in the past year.

Upcoming beauty and grooming trends: facials are the number one service Americans want to try next

Although the next big trends in beauty and grooming services vary by age and gender, facials top the list for all groups except men ages 46–65, followed by barber services

Top beauty and grooming services: popularity by metro area

While some services are popular across the map, other services are particularly concentrated in a few metro areas.

For example, while 80.7% of Pittsburgh’s regular beauty clients got a haircut in the past year, only 57% of Atlanta-Sandy-Marietta, GA’s consumers did the same.

The future of beauty and grooming: express services

Thirty-seven percent of those surveyed cite time as a top obstacle to leading a healthy lifestyle. As self-care is an important part of a heathy and balanced life, beauty businesses would do well to help accommodate the time-constrained consumer, allowing more consumers the opportunity to engage in their services.


The MINDBODY Wellness Index is a proprietary statistical scoring algorithm that incorporates Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) level anonymized and aggregated data from the MINDBODY marketplace, third-party data from sources such as the US Census, Google and other business listing services, and data from a large-scale MINDBODY consumer survey covering the largest 50 MSAs in the US.

Nearly 17,000 individuals participated in a 16-minute online survey between Oct. 26 and Nov. 12, 2018. Survey participants spanned the ages of 18 to 65, with a mean age of 39. The sample was 49% male and 51% female. Seventy participants, or 0.4%, self-identify as an alternate gender. Due to low base size, this data isn’t included in gender comparisons.

Read the whole report by visiting MINDBODY.

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Originally posted on Salon Today