Hair color makeover by Brittany Hayton

Hair color makeover by Brittany Hayton

My client came to me with multi-colored hair done partially in a salon and partially at home,” Brittany Hayton (@Brittanyeleanor) of the Brittany Eleanor Studio, Woodland, New Jersey, says. “In our consultation, she expressed that her ideal end result would be an icy blonde. Understanding it wouldn’t happen in one session - and patience would be key - we agreed to embark on this journey together, Within two sessions we had her at her HAIR GOALS!"


•Take 1/4 inch thick sections and saturate with Joico Blonde Life lightener with 20 volume developer and a bond builder. 

•Check the integrity of hair every 15 minutes. Process for 45 minutes and rinse.

•Tone with Wella Color Touch 7/71 with 6 volume developer. Process for 10 minutes and rinse.

•Tone a second time with Wella Color Touch 7/1 & /81.


•Take 1/4 inch thick sections and saturate with Wella Blondor with 20 volume and a bond builder. 

•Process for about 40 minutes checking every 10 minutes to ensure integrity. Rinse.

•Begin toning with a root melt using Wella Color Touch 7/71 with 6 volume melting into 9/16 and 10/81, equal parts.

Hair color makeover by Brittany Hayton

Hair color makeover by Brittany Hayton

“Because my client understood the importance of patience and at-home care, we were able to achieve her look in just two sessions.”

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