Atlanta colorist Kayluh Stewart has become a regular topic of MODERN office conversation. Not only was she a winner of a MODERN-sponsored blonding competition, but she also continued to make sure she was our radar when she created an icy-cool toast coconut finish in 2018 that went viral. It's no wonder then, that in 2019 Stewart was named to our top 100 and was offered a spot on our Artist Connective. Since then, she has continued to wow us with her picture-perfect finishes, drool-worthy color blends and educational videos.
Recently Stewart took a break from her sun-kissed blondes to a when she uploaded a video of a rich red color. In true fashion, she also took the video as an opportunity to share with her followers her secret to making her best color work stand out: a blowout using Wetbrush Pro's Flex Dry brush.
"The vents in the brush allow me to blow dry hair completely smooth with heat-resistant, flexible bristles," Stewart says. "Once I had curled the hair, it was also amazing for combing out into waves."
Check it out here:
"I blow dried my clients hair using the Pink Glitter Glam Flex Dry from WetBrush Pro," Stewart says. "Blow drying through a vented brush allowed for faster blow dry times. Then after styling with my client, I brushed her curls out with the same brush for a soft, smooth finish. My clients formula for this hair was Oligo Pro Calura gloss 7KG + 7KG + 8G."
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