Jayne Matthews (@jayne_edosalon), co-owner and creative director of Edo Salon in San Francisco and a recently-opened cutting studio in Oakland, has traveled the country sharing her signature style of cutting. While designing effortless, organic shapes (see our profile on her shag expertise) and boho beauties, she is also inspiring others with her cool girl aesthetic, timeless chic and passionate commitment to creating hair without chemicals. We love her work as a stylist and a human.
Born, raised and currently reside: Born and raised in Santa Cruz, CA, now live in Oakland, CA and moving to Los Angeles in 2020.
Favorite item in my wardrobe: Vintage Judi Rosen grey leather jacket that laces up and has zip-off sleeves.
Favorite era in fashion: Late 60s.
My mentors: Michael Gordon and the whole early Bumble and bumble crew for their hair philosophy, gorgeous photography, and business culture classes.
My first tattoo: Three puffy Victorian roses on my shoulder.
My guilty pleasure: Swiping on Tinder in cities where I don’t live to see who the community is.
If I hadn't become a hairdresser: I would be an actor, a writer, or an interior designer.
The superpower I would most like to have is: To heal illnesses.
Every beauty professional should…read the ingredients of the products they breath in everyday and treat the chemicals with respect for what they are.
Advice for stylists just starting out? Find someone or a salon that really inspires you and learn from them. Look at the work they are actually doing on their clients and ask yourself if that’s what you want to learn. Choose the education that inspires you.
Most people would be surprised to learn…that I was completely self-taught after school and never went through an assistant program.
Person whose hair I would love to cut and why: One of the two sisters-- Charlotte Gainsbourg or Lou Doillon--because they possess the natural beauty and ultimate French girl coolness that I love so much.
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