Obsessed with the Effortless Elegance of @tonyastylist

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Obsessed with the Effortless Elegance of @tonyastylist

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Obsessed with the Effortless Elegance of @tonyastylist

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Obsessed with the Effortless Elegance of @tonyastylist

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Tonya is also teaching classes across Europe with her own team of artists.

Tonya is also teaching classes across Europe with her own team of artists. 

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Obsessed with the Effortless Elegance of @tonyastylist

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Obsessed with the Effortless Elegance of @tonyastylist

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Obsessed with the Effortless Elegance of @tonyastylist

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Obsessed with the Effortless Elegance of @tonyastylist

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Tonya is also teaching classes across Europe with her own team of artists.

Tonya is also teaching classes across Europe with her own team of artists. 

We—along with her 460k Instagram followers—learn so much from watching Saint-Petersburg, Russia-based Tonya Pushkareva (@tonyastylist) work with hair. She excels at shaping soft styles that seem to be held in place by magic and if they were to be deconstructed, they would tumble apart, effortlessly.  And isn’t that the genius behind a great hairdresser?  She makes it look easy and elegant, at the same time.

Tonya recently brought her brand of effortless excellence to a session at the Henkel Academy of Hair in Culver City, CA where she shared her techniques and tips, talking through the steps she takes. We asked her to share a bit about her journey—as a stylist and a social media influencer.

You are inspiring so many stylists with your work--who has been your inspiration? To be honest, I am inspired by the following: my students, models, nature, my own success and music. 

When did you start to specialize in upstyling, bridal and special occasion hair? 10 years ago in my hometown of Saint-Petersburg and I started posting my work on Instagram in 2014.

How has your work changed over time (for instance, have you gone from more intricate, sculptural designs to more loose and romantic shapes?)? When I started to work with hair I wanted the styles to be described as “messy” and undone but about two years ago, I changed my attitude to hairstyles, being inspired by nature. Now, I ‘d like my hairstyles to be described as “natural.” This is a whole concept being changed, not only the styles. 

Your Instagram feed is so lovely—do you shoot your pictures with a camera or on your phone? Nowadays, I prefer to post pictures from professional camera only. And thank you so much for the compliment! 

One of your best tips for posting on Instagram: My point of posting pictures on Instagram is to show beautiful, healthy, shiny hair-- the volume, the texture, the nice shape, and a nice background. I use daylight only for my pictures. My advice is not to apply a lot of filters on a picture.

What are two of your favorite products to use in your styling? Two of my favorite products are from Schwarzkopf Professional: Osis+ Tame Wild Smoothing Anti-Frizz Cream and Osis+ Session Extreme Hold Hairspray.  And can I say a third?! I also love Osis + Session Label Powder Cloud.


Meus queridos seguidores Brasileiros! ❤️ ⠀ Estou muito feliz em anunciar o início da venda da minha primeira vídeo aula com legenda em português. ⠀ Este vídeo includi preparação, finalização e todos os produtos que eu uso. Eu espero que você goste deste vídeo, siga @themasterclassonline e visite o site www.themasterclassonline.com para comprá-lo! Pratiquem e me marquem nos stories. ⠀ Com amor, Tonya ❤️ ⠀ My dear Brazilian followers! ⠀ I am very happy to announce a start of selling my first video lesson with full description on Portuguese language (subtitles). This video includes all the steps from start till the end. You can see all the products I use. I really hope you enjoy this video, follow @themasterclassonline and visit website www.themasterclassonline.com to learn more! ⠀ Add your practice to #stories and #hashtag @themasterclassonline and me, we want to share your success with you! ⠀ With love, Tonya #tonyastylist #hairstyle #onlinehairstyle #penteados

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Please find English captions below ☄️ Моя пошаговая инструкция, мое видение и #вдохновение по причёске в стиле «Оскар» 😅 ⠀ Этапы работы⠀ ⠀ -Волосы завиты на утюг или плойку, использовано небольшое количество лака @schwarzkopfproru (это может быть super dry fix например), затем волосы прочесаны щеткой с крупными зубчиками ⠀ ⠀ - Я сразу закрепила зону макушки красивыми заколками, это можно сделать обычными невидимками, также макушку можно немного начесать, если хочется объема ⠀ -для более стойкого результата необходимо создать основание (базу). На коротких волосах я создаю базу преимущественно из невидимок, чтобы не «потерять» длину ⠀ -в моем случае волосы густые и для удобства я разделила их на 2 хвостика, предварительно начесав изнутри каждую прядь ⠀ -скручивая в плотный жгут, чтобы не потерять более короткие волосы, креплю невидимками каждую прядь к голове ⠀ Стайлинг @schwarzkopfproru ⠀ -лак osis super dry fix -пудра для начёса powder cloud ⠀ -крем tame wild ⠀ My step-by-step instruction, my vision and #inspiration for the Oscar #hairstyle 😅. I know, a little bit late, but save it for the next year 😁 ⠀ Steps to do⠀ ⠀ -#Hair is curled using curler iron or flat iron, applied a little bit of @schwarzkopfusa #spray (it can be super dry fix spray or smth like that), then hair is brushed with large teeth #brush ⠀ ⠀ -I fixed the crown zone with #beautiful #hairpins from @ulyana.aster, it can be done with regular bobby-pins, also the crown could be backcombed a little if you wish to have more #volume ⠀ ⠀ -next step is base. On short hair, I mainly create the base using bobby-pins, so as not to "lose" the length for the future bun ⠀ -in my case, the hair is thick and for more convenience I divided it into two #ponytails, backcombed each section from the inside ⠀ -wrapped each one and fixed with bobby-pins close to the base ⠀ #Styling used @schwarzkopfusa ⠀ -#osis super dry fix -powder cloud -#cream tame wild ⠀ #tonyastylist #schwarzkopfproru #schwarzkopfusa #updostepbystep #usahair #hairstyle

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Конкурс на этой неделе завершён, поздравляем победителей ❤️ @nataliaburakova @olgaborisova_hairstyle @krasota71_natalya Сегодня понедельник, а это значит, что мы совместно с @schwarzkopfproru 🖤 уже отправили подарки победителям конкурса прошлой недели и собираем три новых набора стайлинга Schwarzkopf Professional. ⠀ Каждый понедельник мы запускаем конкурс, каждую пятницу выбираем победителей и отправляем подарки! ⠀ Мы будем дарить три больших набора из моих любимых профессиональных продуктов стайлинга от Schwarzkopf Professional, без которых не обходится ни одна моя #прическа 🖤 ⠀ Условия участия просты: ⠀Быть подписанным на меня @tonyastylist и @schwarzkopfproru ⠀Отметить в комментариях к посту два своих друга (выбирайте тех, кому тоже было бы интересно поучаствовать) ⠀Количество комментариев не ограничено ⠀В пятницу мы, случайным образом, выберем троих победителей ⠀Подарок будет отправлен победителю по России На #фото пошаговая инструкция к простой вечерней прическе, в которой, конечно, был использован мой любимый стайлинг Schwarzkopf Professional (жидкий лак Silhouette, пудра для начеса Powder Cloud, крем tame wild, osis volume up спрей, аэрозольный лак freeze) ⠀ поехали ☄️ #schwarzkopfproru #osis #tonyastylist

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