HOW-TO: Moody Ruby Red Hair Color

From slate to ruby, you can’t look away from this dimensional, moody Aveda red that gets more complex with every layer.



Natural level 4


Formula 1: 30 g Aveda Enlightener Powder Lightener with 60 ml 20-volume Aveda Color Catalyst Developer

Formula 2: 30 g Enlightener Powder Lightener + 30 g Enlightener Creme Booster with 60 ml 20-volume Color Catalyst Developer

Formula 3: SLATE–40 g Universal ØN + 5 g 1N Full Spectrum Protective Permanent Hair Color + .25 g Orange Full Spectrum Protective Permanent Hair Color Pure Pigment with 40 ml 5-volume Color Catalyst Conditioning Creme Developer

Formula 4: MAGENTA–40 g Universal ØN + 10 g Violet Full Spectrum Protective Permanent Hair Color Pure Pigment + 2.5 g Light RV Full Spectrum Deep with 40 ml 5-volume Color Catalyst Liquid Developer

Formula 5: RUBY–20 g Red Aveda Full Spectrum Protective Permanent Hair Color Pure Pigment with 20 ml 5-volume Color Catalyst Conditioning Creme Developer

Formula 6: PURPLE AMETHYST–20 g Full Spectrum Protective Permanent Hair Color Extra Lifting Creme + 20 g Violet Full Spectrum Protective Permanent Hair Color Pastel Tone with 40 ml 10-volume Color Catalyst Conditioning Creme Developer


  1. Pre-lighten the hair using a virgin lightener application. Apply Formula 1 to the midshaft and ends first. Process until pale yellow before applying Formula 2 to the new growth. Process until all hair is pale yellow. Shampoo, condition and dry completely.
  2. Apply Formula 3 on new growth only.
  3. Immediately subsection hair into a pinwheel. Using a colormelting technique, begin alternating Formulas 4, 5 and 6 as you work around the pinwheel. When complete, process 20 minutes. Rinse, shampoo, condition and dry.


Hair: Luis Gonzales
Photographer: Cody Kinsfather
Makeup: Walter Fuentes


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