Zaida Gordon has become the go-to-gal for all things acne in LA. As a licensed esthetician, certified acne specialist and founder of Skintegrity LA, she has made a name for herself for the amazing results she gets for her clients suffering from severe acne through her Acne Bootcamp. 90% of her clients coming through her door are for acne-related concerns! She has worked with celebs like Miley Cyrus and The Weeknd and mega influencers like Blair Imani.
With June being acne awareness month and mask mandates being lifted, Zaida shares tips on how to get clear skin for summer.
Tip 1: Make sure your makeup is acne-safe (non comedogenic). I tell my clients to use an app called Acne Safe to check your products, birth control and foods to see if they are acne-safe.
Tip 2: Double cleanse in the evening to ensure all dirt and debri is removed from pores. I've suffered from acne myself and highly recommend the Face Reality line to care for skin for those prone to acne. Their Ultra Gentle Cleanser is ideal for acne prone skin. If you have inflamed acne, avoid scrubbing your skin as this can further irritate and exacerbate inflammation. Instead consider using an alpha hydroxy acid serum.
Tip 3: Take your supplements! I encourage our clients struggling with acne, eczema or psoriasis to take a high quality OMEGA 3 fish oil as it can greatly improve skin barrier function and inflammation. Also probiotics can help prevent breakouts. By increasing the amount of good bacteria in our diets (through probiotics or fermented foods) we often times will see a reduction of acne in our clients.
Tip 4: Lower inflammatory and high iodine foods in your diet! These foods can trigger your acne. Some of the worst ones for skin: dairy, refined sugar, shellfish, peanut butter, peanut oil.
Tip 5: For those with severe or cystic acne, I highly recommend finding a licensed skincare professional and get professional treatments and guidance for your skin.
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