9 Reasons for Applying to NAILS Next Top Nail Artist
1. Because It's a Challenge With YOURSELF
Yes, it's a competition, but the theme you'll hear from any past NTNA competitor is that the real challenge is with yourself--and you end up better for it. Asking yourself to really go that extra mile, to tap into your artistry, and to share it with the world--it's a win-win-win. You gain in confidence, competence, and you meet great people along the way.
2. Because You Become an INSPIRATION
Ok, no need to go into the gory pandemic details but times have been TOUGH these past few years. What folks need is something to look forward to and someone to inspire them. When you enter NTNA and take that leap, you have just inspired others to do the same.
3. Because NTNA Impacts Every Area of Your LIFE
If you show up here, you start showing up more in your life, too. Being brave, taking risks, it pays off.
4. Because Your CLIENTS Love to Hear About It
Our NTNA competitors have described so many stories of how excited their hometown salon or their loyal clientele were about their journey, and how they followed them throughout. It becomes a wonderful talking point and something to keep you energized and your clients buzzing.
5. Because NAIL ART Is Awesome
Maybe your loyal clients prefer a lovely pink-and-white every week, or they prefer to stay in a restricted palette range of colors--all good! Love those bread-and-butter clients! BUT if you're someone who wants to explore and play, NTNA gives you a space to nurture your creativity and take some creative risks.
6. Because NAILS Needs Experts
We are always searching for industry experts to comment on the hottest trends, the latest techniques, and the best business practices for nail techs. As an NTNA Finalist, YOU become that go-to expert for our editorial team.
7. Because a TROPHY!
See number #3. Displaying a trophy at your work station, celebrating the news on social; it's great to have this to share with clients. And it's a wonderful marketing tool for attracting new guests, too.
We're going to announce the winner live at America's Beauty Show (ABS) in Rosemont, IL in April. It's one of the biggest beauty trade shows in the calendar year. You can come mingle with your nail besties while also soaking up what's new from your favorite beauty brands.
9. Because You Can't Win If You Don't APPLY
Let this be the year that you stopped talking about it and did it. What do you have to lose?! Enter here.
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Originally posted on NAILS Magazine