Floyd's For Everyone: Find the Best Vibe for Your Skills, Style & Values
Floyd's For Everyone: Find the Best Vibe for Your Skills, Style & Values

How are stylists and barbers finding the right culture and inclusive environment to create great work, earn a good living and live their best life?  A place where everyone is "Welcomed, Valued, Encouraged, Respected, Empowered, Supported and Equal?"

Floyd's is committed to making sure everyone on the Floyd's team—and any guests in their chairs— feel all those things. And they make it easy to connect with real-life story-sharing experiences that validate Floyd's values and promise.

Check it Out: The New Way to Job Search

Word-of-mouth recommendations have long been best practice for licensed cosmetologists or barbers seeking a first or new shop to work in. But today's search strategies lean in further on social and digital media. Pros turn to trusted platforms to take a closer look into a salon or barber environment. You can look, listen, learn and see for yourself, even before you visit the shop.

In fact, recent industry stats shared at Salon Today's Data Driven Salon event in September show Instagram in the top preferred sources for both new and experienced pros who are researching possible new work homes. Those ready to dig a bit deeper into the authentic voice and culture of a possible new employer are studying the brand and its leaders' and team members' social, video and audio content to get a sense of what it's like to work there, what types of education is offered and how stylists are encouraged or allowed to express themselves.

Leading the Way: Expert Cuts, Amplified Experiences

This shift to pre-searching puts Floyd's and its 125 (and growing) locations across the nation in an even better position to make a great impression. Along with its strong social media presence (@floyds99barbershop) Floyd's has a detailed and fun website with engaging, entertaining video content (like this one, "When Can You Start.") The brand has also just launched a compelling, contemporary Floyd's Nation podcast series.


Hear eye-opening, heart-warming stories from Floyd team members and leaders to get a real sense of why "Floyd's is for Everyone." Subscribe to the Floyd's Nation podcast now.

Podcast episodes directly share powerful pro-to-pro, leader-driven and educator stories that hold the mirror up to why Floyd's is an inclusive, relevant and amazing place to grow your career.

Who Is Floyd's?

Founded in Colorado by three brothers — Bill, Rob and Paul O'Brien — as the "original rock-n-roll barbershop, Floyd's welcomes everyone, both stylists and barbers, to practice their craft across a full spectrum of non-gendered services:

Haircuts, hair color, fades, beard trims, texture, signature service touches to reward and retain customers, and many more pro services and quality retail products are on the menu. And no two shops are the same.

"We want each experience at Floyd's to be as unique and authentic as the people who fill the shop," the web site reads, referencing both the guests in the chairs and those standing behind them.

And the podcast series backs that message up. Hosted by Floyd's Technical Director of Education and Operations Patrick Butler, the first episode of the Floyd's Nation podcast emphasized the meaning behind the new "Floyd's for Everyone" slogan and also covers the very hot topic of amplifying texture skills and experience, through a chat with celebrity stylist and educator John Mosley (@popular_nobody).

"Floyd's for Everyone" is part of our branding and carries a deep meaning for our staff and clients, explains Floyd's President Phil Horvath. "It is a saying that we are proud to stand behind. It speaks to our team that make up Floyd's Nation and it speaks to our clients, who also have a rich and diverse background." (See sidebar for a Floyd's Nation statement that is posted in every shop).

The second episode delves further into past and present ways Floyd's celebrates individuality to create a shop that clients and staff feel welcomed in, going all the way back 20+ years to Floyd's first statement on the door and signage: "For Men and Women" was groundbreaking for a barbershop at the time. Now they are on a whole different level of acceptance.

In the podcast, two of the O'Brien brothers, Rob and Paul, share what "Floyd's for Everyone" means to them today. Plus, several team members from the LGBTQ community add their personal experiences of working for Floyd's and the impact it has had on them through each of their journeys, including Floyd's supportive approach during and beyond Pride Month. Eye-opening, heart-warming conversations, all:

  • "Floyd's has always been inclusive from the get-go," sums up Floyd's Co-Founder Paul O'Brien. "For barbers and stylists, front desk people, men and women. . . we've always invited everyone to be part of Floyd's."

Butler says the new "Floyd's for Everyone" branding really resonates on many levels with staff.

  • "Floyd's shows and tells me that the company supports me," says team member Phoenix. "I also love that there are Floyd's all over the country, so no matter where I go, I feel I can find a home and get support."
  • "I love working for Floyd's and the messaging that `haircuts have no gender,'" adds Bobby. "It's nice working for a company that already understood that years ago [and prices services based on hair length and service length]. Everyone at the shop is so supportive and there for each other. The company feels like family."

Another Floyd's associate, Murphy, came out as transgender a couple years ago, and says everyone, all the way up to the home office, was supportive, from owners to new employees, and feels the "Floyd's for Everyone" impact personally and professionally throughout the organization.

  • "When a guest comes in the door who is nonbinary and someone on our team asks their pronouns and I see the look in their eyes that they are okay, then I know Floyd's is the place for me," Murphy explains. "Floyd's has our back, whoever we are, regardless of gender, sexuality, race, religion. It gives me a boost of confidence and the opportunity to help other people. It is the greatest gift that any employer can give."

This gift is what Horvath describes as the soul or vibe that cuts across each Floyd's location and throughout the Floyd's nation.

"All nations have beliefs," Horvath says. The Floyd's nation believes in:

  • the future of our brand and where we are headed
  • dedication to the craft
  • our passion for our clients
  • servant leadership—serving others and making sure they are successful
  • a transparent approach to our communication
  • pushing the quality envelope
  • our promise of an amplified experience
  • great, innovative products
  • respect for each person's individual journey, personality and style

"As I travel the country to visit our shops and teams, the one question I ask everyone is what they love about working at Floyd's, and the answer consistently is that Floyd's values their individuality and lets them express themselves."

United Front, Attractive Benefits

Horvath says Floyd's appeal is grounded in community. "It's the one place where barbers and stylists come together and celebrate the craft. The benefits and compensation scale are also impressive, with a strong health plan and much more (Note: individual franchisees do manage their own HR and benefits packages.)

"It's not an environment where you have to wear a dress code or certain hair—Floyd's doesn't dictate," he adds. "We expect everyone to be professional in their approach, but express who they are." 

Education Matters

The freedom to express yourself carries over to advancing your skills, too. "Our stylists and barbers produce their best work, because they feel better about themselves," Baxter explains.

To amplify these experiences, Floyd's provides a paid internal education program built on a foundational building block system, with assessments and growth opportunities in areas that run the gamut, from clipper work, fading skills, hair color.

Partner brands including Paul Mitchell, Razul and others provide a great deal of education as well,  live and digitally. "We employ a lot of cosmetologists, and some may need to tighten their short hair techniques. We have barbers who dabble in color, so might learn anything from full coverage to balayage to vivid.

Setting Yourself Up for Success

Baxter is one of those happy "dabblers." He started his career licensed in cosmetology first, then added a barbering license later, and is grateful to have both. "It opened my eyes to everything in the hair world," he explains. "Floyd's stands in a unique space of 'not this, not that,'" says Butler. "We are not a traditional salon or barbershop, but we combine so many elements of both."

"We're starting to set ourselves further apart with our model," Baxter adds. "We give a brand-new student an opportunity to grow and celebrate their individuality. We allow the individual who has already started their career to elevate and get a step up. It's interesting when people come on board. They are surprised at our atmosphere, the amount of traffic. To be frank, our client head count per location is higher than any other national chain in the industry."

Floyd's is a vibrantly busy—and fun— environment, he says. "If a stylist or barber is looking to transition shops and trying to gauge where to get the best education, support, benefits and financial opportunity to step up a career, Floyd's is for you."

See how you can be a part of the Floyds team.


To help the team and clients understand that Floyd’s for Everyone means that everyone is Welcomed, Valued, Encouraged, Respected, Empowered, Supported and Equal," the following message is posted in the front of all of Floyd's shops:

Floyd's Nation

Your business is a nation.

It is comprised of citizens.

It is made up of principles and values.

It should shoulder a soul.


Your brand is your flag.

Telling the world what you stand for,

Who you stand with.

What you won't tolerate.


Your company has a language,

Spoken from Leadership.

Does their state-of-the-union unite?

Or does it fall short and divide?


Your office has a currency.

That currency is belief.

Do people yearn to bank it?

We won't buy anything

If we don't buy in.


Your business has a product.

And it's not just what you sell.

Today, it's what you say.

Then living it every day.


Your business is a nation.

It is comprised of citizens.

It is made up of principles and values.

It should shoulder a soul.



"Some people's jobs are all work and no play. We like to play at work."

"You don't have to have a tattoo to work at Floyd's. But I got one anyway."

"I'm good at fades. But I'm great at color."

"I started on the floor. Now I manage the floor."

"Business is always busy at Floyd's. But busy has its privileges."

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