With all the love and attention lavished on Instagram, sometimes we forget that old standby, Facebook,  and its ability to connect us.  But not Lisa Huff (@lisahuffhair), a studio suite owner in Illinois and creator of the Mastermind program and community, the Stylist Soul Tribe (@stylistsoultribe)

One of her business practices is the use of a Client-Only Facebook (let’s call it her COFB), a private group that serves so many valuable purposes, we wanted to know more. 



Lisa Huff is building connections inside the industry.

Lisa Huff is building connections inside the industry. 

Using Facebook to Create Better Balance in Your Business

But first, a little background.  Huff sees her clients three days a week, devoting the remainder of the week to her mentoring and coaching.  “I never want to leave doing hair, or lose touch with what stylists are experiencing, every day, because it keeps everything I coach to very relevant,” Huff says.

She says she’s committed to helping stylists evolve their dream schedule, whatever that may look like (no weekends or evenings, for instance), and her COFB is just one tool she advocates as a way to free yourself and create more work/life balance. Huff has found her COFB so valuable that she has even created a guide to help you launch one yourself.

“I made the COFB in 2017,” Huff explains, “I was inspired by Britt Seva’s Thriver’s Society; she had a course called “Facebook Mastery,” and I was part of a Beta group.  My COFB has really stood the test of time and proven to be so helpful with the practical aspects of running my business.”

Reasons for Having a Clients-Only Facebook Group

It keeps value coming to the clients in between salon visits.

“As stylists, we are always thinking about ways to make the client’s experience superior to anything else they’ve experienced, and what else can we do to level up and stand out?A COFB becomes a portal that is exclusive to your clients and a place where you can connect with them, answer questions and be a resource, in between visits.”

It’s a full proof way to fill last minute cancellations.

“I personally don’t think it’s a good look to post on your public page about cancellations. I think scarcity is a good thing and people act faster when they know you’re in demand.  Also, if a potential client sees you posting about the last-minute cancellations you keep having, it doesn’t read very well."

And when you do post about last-minute cancellations within your private group, Huff says you’ll be filling it with an existing client which can make your life easier.

“Typically, you have planned your week in advance, and you’re all prepped and ready to go for the clients you know you’ll be seeing.If I have a spot open up, I’d rather fill that cancellation with an existing client—a new client takes so much brain work.The comfort of a current client means it’s less hectic, there’s no new formulas to consider.It’s also nice, giving your existing clients first dibs on that open spot, rather than opening it up to the world.”

It can serve as a resource to your clients.

“I do a weekly AMA (Ask Me Anything) to the group—are you having any struggles with your hair?  Do you have any product questions?  In addition to being a help to your clients, it’s also a great way to get new ideas for your content.  You learn what your clients are struggling with, and you also help solve those issues for them, instead of having them search something up on Google.”

You can easily and instantly share any updates about your business.

“In addition to not posting publicly about cancellations, I also feel strongly about not posting about price increases—I only do that in my COFB—because it doesn’t affect new clients, so it’s not important to send it out publicly. But a quick Facebook post brings everybody up to speed on any changes.”







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