Reality Check: Meet Your Future Self
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Although our August Healthy Hairdresser Challenge is closed and we’ve moved on to the September Challenge, there’s one more inspirational entry in the August Challenge we’d like to share. The Challenge asked you to discuss any game-changing moment or habit you introduced into your own life that improved your health, work or spirit. Participant Will W. found a creative way to motivate himself to take care of his body—he took a mental trip into the future and wasn’t fond of the older Will he saw there.


Will tells us, “In the past year, I fine-tuned my workout, made a few slight dietary changes and lost 35 pounds. I rearranged my eating schedule, increased my meditation and quiet time and added biweekly massage—all without taking time away from family or skirting work hours. The inspiration for this wellness pivot was a trip to the future (metaphorically)—having my older, wiser self have a conversation with my present self. The meeting was phenomenal. The results are still pouring in—small things like changing fragrance profiles in my spaces, sharing with clients and embracing the now to shape the future. My evolution was slow over the years, so this seemed to others like a revolution, but results don't come overnight. It took me a while to make sure that the small vector here and there to my course were things I could handle day to day so that when upsets or challenges appear I don’t revert. My new regimental foundation is my real foundation. And my effort was not a lone endeavor. Family, friends and coworkers inspired, encouraged and applauded.”



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