We are always impressed by Daisy Goord's makeovers. Her Instagram page - @daisy_goord - is chock full of amazing upgrades and breathtaking finishes. We checked in recently and asked which was her favorite!

"My client came to me with completely virgin hair, every hair stylists dream," says the artist, based at March Hair, Plymouth, United Kingdom. "She was a natural base 7/8 and had a few natural sun kissed highlights. Her dream was to always go platinum white blonde and because her base was so perfect this could be achieved in one appointment!"

Makeover by Daisy Goord

Makeover by Daisy Goord

Here Goord shares the details for the makeover:

Prepare formulas:

Lightener: Wella Blondor + 20 volume (bumped up to 30 volume on last sections). Olaplex added.

Toner: Wella Illumina 10/69 + 9/60 + 6 volume. Olaplex added.

PROCESS/TECHNIQUE: Using the "platinum card" technique (back to back sections on super fine foils to get maximum lift) place the foils as close as possible to the root - "So I didn’t need to apply a bleach re-touch in between which could of caused unnecessary overlap."

Lift to a perfect level 10 and then tone to a perfect ice white.


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