Ideas for Sprucing Up Your Salon DecorIf your salon or spa is feeling in need of a little pick-me-up, there are a number of inexpensive things you can do to spruce it up this summer. They just take some time and a little ingenuity:

First Step, Declutter.  Take a critical eye to your salon. Minimize products and appliances used at the station, and install cord organizers to keep cords from getting tangled and messy. Consider purchasing rollaway carts to house the bulk of the products and tools.

Paint It! Choose a contemporary fun color that complements your décor and paint an accent wall or add a stripe of color to a plain wall. Paint picture frames to match.

Musical Chairs. Encourage your stylists to swap stations, it’s a good management practice to periodically break up any salon cliques, but it also their clients a change of scenery.

Revolving Retail. The same goes with your retail. Constantly rearranging and moving your displays keeps them fresh, draws focus to different items each visit and encourages your staff to clean the shelves appropriately. 

Accents Plus. Greet your guests with some colorful new accent pillows or area rugs in your reception area.

Say it with Flowers. Strike up a business arrangement with a local florist. Have her supply a weekly arrangement for your retail focus table or reception desk and you can supply her with complimentary spa gift cards.


Create an Experience. Clear a space in your reception area and create an experience center where guests can sample products or install a makeup station where they can get post-service touchups and you can drive cosmetic retail sales.

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Originally posted on Salon Today

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