New Salon Professionals: How to Have a Banner 2015

I am a fanatic of lists, alerts on Google, iPhone, post-its, back of envelopes and Starbucks napkins. I stick to a schedule and turn down conflicts with “the plan.” The school of hard knocks teaches that if you don’t know what you need, you certainly won’t get what you want. New salon professionals often fail to pen that list of needs. This is how my New Year’s resolutions might look today. Hindsight is perfect.

1. Be Number One in 2015

Meeting your needs first is not a selfish act— it’s an understanding of the power of showing up fully for the salon team and clients. Making others look and feel good emanates from your inner strength and balance---get it together first, in order to serve others. Certainly, don’t show up at the salon searching for solutions to your issues. Very unpopular.

2. Stop Worrying About Money:

Money is scarce the first couple of salon years, and few things drain you as constantly making ends meet. This year, create a simple budget you can live with and stick to it. Your objective: peace of mind for clear thinking and good choices. Never be embarrassed due to little money when you are starting out. We’ve all been there. If someone makes less of you on this account, send me name and phone number. I will gladly give them a reminder call.

 3. Rejection is Protection

 Trust that the client who didn’t come back, the no show date, and the invite you never got was just not the right fit—if so, missing it saved you from greater disappointment. This year, remind yourself constantly that there is abundance in this world and that something better is coming. And, really look for it.

4. Are We There Yet?

But, I want clients now? Patience—everything takes time. The woman discovered at the drugstore counter or who won the lottery, is a fluke. Everyone works for what they have and become—the loftier the goal, the longer the wait. Put your energy into self-improvement, networking and social media promos.

5. Wind Beneath Your Wings

You know those people in your life who genuinely want the best for you? Make it a point to acknowledge them often during 2015. Show up for them by not needing anything from but their presence.  

Happy Holidays to all my awesome readers, you inspire me to be the best and keep my fire burning for our industry/ Be always blessed and happy.  

Carlos Valenzuela
Carlos Valenzuela: is a consultant, speaker, stylist, bilingual trainer, and author of iFabulous Salon Success, an interactive online learning guide for new salon professionals.
Follow: @ifabskills 

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