It’s time to share our annual list of ones to watch, the MODERN SALON 100. We like to refer to these talented stylists, barbers, and nail technicians as game changers in the beauty industry, not only for their ability to create, but also for their ingenuity in sharing what they create on social media. In curating Instagram feeds full of inspiration, their work ties in with our core mission at MODERN: to uplift the industry and inspire future professionals. We are so excited to celebrate and share these wonderful artists with you. Be sure to check out their pages and congratualate them.

You will see each of these 100 artists featured in our upcoming fall issue of MODERN SALON magazine, as well as on our Instagram page, in the coming days.

We will also be honoring our MS 100 artists in person at our first-ever Indie Pro Awards, taking place the night before our Independent Boot Camp. The celebratory event will be held at the Hotel Drover in Fort Worth, TX on Sunday, October 23rd. Visit to register.

Congrats to our 2022 cohort of the MODERN SALON 100!


Abigail Bazzoli @abigailbazzoli

Adam Federico @Federicoadvanced

Adrian Gutierrez @adrian.gutierrez.1884

Aja Hamilton @Ajaonyourmane

Alejandra Mercedes @Alex.mercedesss

Ally Barone @Hairbyallybarone

Allyson M. Neri @allyson_m_

Anthony Kakos @AnthonyJKakos

Aric Congdon @Hairicc

Ashley Cristobal @thenailmystic

Ashlie Garner @Ashlieannhair

Asilcan Simsek @Asil

Brendnetta Ashley @edgybgirl

Briana McElroy @Hairbylilbri

Britt Higgins @Britts_Nail_Bar

Caitlyn Caban @caitlyncabanhair

Caroline Tran @care.glam

Cate Breining @catecutdye

Chrissy Collins @Chrissycollins_hair

Christina Pham  @Colorbychristina

Cyd Charisse @cydcharisse

Darlynda George @londonsbeautii

Deron Edward

Diana Dao @dirtyhairbyd

Ellie Stommel @thebangsbabe

Emily Boulin @the.neon.blonde

Ernesto Meneses @ernestomeneses

Felicia Febo @lici_ladybarber

Gino Maggio @GinoTheBarber813

Giselle Bobb @Hairhype_

Grace Heffron @the_mane_curl

Greg Young @gregthebarber954

Gregory Gilmore @Greg_gilmore

Jess Switzer @jess.switzer

Jon Carlos De La Cruz @joncarlosdelacruz

Joseph Trace @JTcolours

Joy LaMay @joylamay

Kalynn Hanna @_kaysbeautybar

Karla Leschitz @kl.hairartist

Kassandra Lemus

Kayla Walker @kaylawalker_education

Kelsey Deuel @kelseydeuelhair

Keshia Patrick @Damasterstylist

Kheyli Torres @hairbykheytristen

Lana Kurayeva @lana_kurayeva

Latoya Mincey @mzladylox

Lenina Yin @Lenina_yin

Leo Chau @leothehairalchemist

Lexie Haines @thestrawberryblonder

Madison Williams @madison.n.williams

Mandy Liu @Nailzby.mandy

Marissa Knight @marissaknighthair

Martina Nicholas @4allcurlkind & @sunflowercurlsstudio

Meera Lil Gessner @meerkatmakebelieve

Meg Gilbert @mermeghair

Megan Perez @hairbymeganperez

Melissa Molinar @haircreations_by_melissa

Mercy Green @mercygreenhair

Michelle Wheatley @Beautybusinessguide

Morgan Thomas @jadebeautyco

Natalie Solotes  @hairreformationbynatalie

Nichole Cosentino @itsnicholehair

Ocean McDaeth @ocean_mcdaeth

Omar Ahmed @Omiezee

Onye Sample @onyestyles

Paige Brueck @PinkDagger

Patric Bradley @patricbradley

Patricia Coleman @Lynn__Styles

Patricio Garcia @Isthatpat

Paula Pedersen @_hairbypaula

Phoenix Cayton @bareeminimum

Piper Arellano @Pipsyhair_

Quothia Wolf @beautybyqwolf

Rachel Bettis @rachelnbettis

Randa Rivera @randa.rivera

Ray Hornback @rayvoltagebeauty

Reno Prezio @Thatguyreno

Ricardo Alonso Moya @ricardoalonsobeauty

Ryenne Chavez

Sami Skinner @samiskinnerhair

Shane Cudal @ShaneCudalColour

Sharra Spann @SharraSpann

Shellie Vega @shell.vega

Sherri Mccloskey @sherrimeowhair

Shonda Harvey-Gayle @Shondasharee_

Skyla Chaffin @SkylaColors

Stacey-Ann Houston @stacceyann

Stephanie Carrillo @modestspotcarrillo

Stephen Hudson @sevenknows

Summer Labayen @manely.summer

Takeyra Shipps @Hair_bytakeyra

Taylor Leven @By.taylorleven

Terry Nguyen @nailedbyterry

Theresa Fink

Tiffani Calix @wigsbytiffani

Tkeya Cox @Keythebarber

Tori Schrankel @thehairhuman

Trevor Moots @Tailorfade

Yesica Leal-Nolasco @Yes_icanails

Yohayne Garcia @yohayne

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