Bad color happens. See how color correction expert Cassandra McLaughlin transformed substantial...
Bad color happens. See how color correction expert Cassandra McLaughlin transformed substantial regrowth with high contrast between roots and ends into a cool and creamy masterpiece.

Which sounds better—hair colorist or hair color correction specialist? Which title do you think will bring you more clients and more money? As the above scenario illustrates, color correction requires a ton of skill and know-how, but once you become an expert, you can produce truly “wow” results that will make you a star in your color universe. When you can fix botched color, your career will explode.

Cassandra McLaughlin is a color correction specialist, influencer and Redken Ambassador. If you want to build your reputation as the correction go-to in your town, here’s what she wants you to know.

Win a trip to the Redken Exchange in NYC and attend a 3-day class led by Cassandra McGlaughlin this fall!

 Master the Consultation

  • Create a clear game plan. Set expectations with your client and do not compromise on what you know to be right.
  • Stay in control. Lean on your expertise to establish confidence with your client.
  • Ask the right questions to ensure you and your client are on the same page and be sure to listen to the answers.
  • Be honest and clear about the limitations of the hair and your own abilities.
  • Never overpromise. It’s better to under promise and over deliver.

 Master the Logistics

  • Be sure your salon system supports your color correction services with appropriate pricing and scheduling strategies.
  • Don’t sell yourself short. Understand the value of your time and price accordingly.
  • Price your color correction services as a package, not a la carte. This way you won’t skip key steps or find yourself undercharging for a complex procedure.
  • Take your time! Schedule your appointment generously so you’re not rushed.
  • Honor the hair. Only do what the hair can tolerate, and if you can’t complete the correction that day, that’s ok. Remember, the hair didn’t get to where it is in a day, and sometimes it can’t be fixed in a day either.

 Master the Skills

  • Color correction is a specialty and it takes time to learn. Seek out the best education you can and don’t stop learning. Tip: Redken offers color correction classes at the Redken Exchange and in salons.
  • Know your products! Understand ingredients and pH and how to use them together to maximize results.
  • When it doubt, foil the hair to blend, blend, blend!

 Master Your Social Media

  • Market yourself as a color correction expert on social media using your bio, hashtags and content.
  • Post before-and-after photos to build clients’ confidence.
  • Be transparent about the process in your posts, including number of visits, time and processes required to attain your result.

Want to know more about saving botched color?
Color Correction Specialist Cassandra Laine McGlaughlin, @cassandraplatinum, spills her secrets for managing your color correction dilemmas.

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