Feeling Tired and Uninspired at the Salon? Here's How You Can Thrive
Feeling Tired and Uninspired at the Salon? Here's How You Can Thrive

Beauty Industry Consultant Carlos Valenzuela and Natasha Bhalla, Health & Wellness Coach, are on a mission to raise the beauty industry’s awareness of the connection between salon work, wellness concepts and its impact on career satisfaction and ultimate happiness. Carlos and Natasha are the coauthors of the interactive e-book, Thrive: Salon Professional Survival Workbook, offering lifestyle guidelines to create a more lasting and fulfilling salon career. Thrive principles, which may be customized to corporate or event-branding, are delivered by Carlos and Natasha via live hands-on workshops, lectures and in-salon training. Live programs are currently being scheduled for 2020 major trade shows and industry events.

Thrive is a call-to-action response to overwhelming evidence of salon professional’s lack of self-care and wellness. Thrive is a response to higher rates of cancers, depression, dermatitis, carpal tunnel, muscle pain and misalignment amongst salon professionals. Along with wellness imbalances, Thrive addresses typical beauty professional’s basic money management skills to stop living paycheck-to-paycheck and save for a future retirement.

Thrive encourages responsibility for personal choices by analyzing present actions that impact the future. The workbook’s activities and exercises focus on the adoption of new habits by making small daily changes, prioritizing needs, creating an emergency fund, planning for retirement, nutritional and movement strategies to enhance stamina, prevent physical injury and minimize the effects of workplace exposure to toxins.

Thrive is a solution for today’s beauty salon staffing challenges. With the beauty industry in a constant state of flux, salons need effective employee strategies to grow and retain today’s millennial. A salon owner must not only select, train and build an ideal team; now, you must provide incentives that encourage your top talent to stay put. A salon with a commitment to its staff well-being and happiness reaps the maximum rewards in job satisfaction and loyalty.

Carlos is a beauty industry veteran of 45 years, a school and salon owner, educator, author and blogger for Modern Salon Magazine. He has worked with Matrix, Wella and worldwide for Pivot Point International.

Natasha’s 15 years in the beauty industry include Health and Wellness coaching since 2011. She works with individuals to improve their health, naturally, through nutrition, stress-management and wellness techniques.

For information on Thrive programs email tinystepspodcast@gmail.com Carlos Valenzuela: @Tinystepspodcast

Natasha Bhalla: @Tashvibe13

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