Peachy Keen Blonde by George Alderete

George Alderete (@colorboygeo) Global Hair Color Educator for Keune Haircosmetics North America is a master of ‘winging it’ when needed. Because he travels so frequently for work, he has to be prepared to substitute and mix up his formulas on the fly. 

“I wanted to create a Peachy Blonde but had already used up most of the color at the Trifecta 2015 Show so here's what I did!” Alderete says.

STEP ONE:  I touched up her NL 7 with Keune Tinta 8.3 Light Golden Blonde + 10 volume

STEP TWO: Mid lengths--3 gr Mix Color 0/33 Gold + 2 gr Mix Color 0/44 Cooper + 30 gr Clear + 60 gr Red Activator (7 vol)

STEP THREE: Glazed with 1 gr Lift and Color 667 Ruby Red + 2 gr Mix Color 0/33 Gold + 60 gr Ultimate Blonde 1000 Natural Blonde Blonde (in the salon I would substitute the 1000 with Clear, same ratio) + 120 gr Red Activator (7 vol)

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