Gabie Vossler @gabievossler specializes in blonding in Honolulu, Hawaii and has been a MODERN SALON 100 Gamechanger. On her Instagram feed, she posted this quick-to-explain and easy-to-understand outline of hair coloring techniques for her client. It's a great, bullet pointed list of the most common techniques with a short description of each. We thought it might be helpful for you to have when you're in the middle of a million things--as we know you always are!-- and someone asks why you're doing what you're doing.
"While balayage is the technique used to achieve a natural looking, sun kissed effect, there are other techniques used to achieve a look when more lift is needed," Vossler explains to her clients.
- The balayage technique consists of sweeping lightener or color on the hair. This typically gives minimal-medium lift to just enhance with soft, subtle painted highlights. Over time with multiple sessions and repeating this technique, the hair will get lighter with some warmth left in the hair.
- Foilayage is a painting technique done in foils that will mimic the look of balayage. When heat from the foils is involved, the hair can lift lighter than being painted on in open air processing.
- Teasylights gets the most lift while still mimicking the look of balayage. Also using foil for heat, the hair is teased up for soft diffusion and wrapped. Just remember to be patient for the brush out process after shampooing.
- Highlights and shadow root. This is a great route to go for a brighter balayage look as well. Highlights get great lift in a foil and the shadow root takes away any lines at the root.
- Combination techniques. I love combining babylights with teasylights or shadow rooting. It just depends on where the hair is starting from and what the end goal is.
"And very important to note: darker hair will take more sessions to achieve light hair. Patience and home maintenance are key. It is also important to let your stylist know your hair color history for at least the past year."
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