Amber Maynard Bolt backstage working her magic at the 2022 Colorist of the Year Awards.

Amber Maynard Bolt backstage working her magic at the 2022 Colorist of the Year Awards.

Photo: Alfaparf Milano USA

The second annual Alfaparf Milano Professional Colorist of the Year Contest took place on October 24th 2022 in New York City. The contest is a celebration of excellence and tests all skills from cutting to styling, color formulation and application, and everything in between, highlighting the exceptional talent of hairdressers across the nation.

Congratulations to this year's winner, Amber Maynard Bolt @alchemistamber!

The contest was open to all licensed stylists residing in the U.S. and lasted for eight months starting in March, with the final stage being an in-person face-off in New York City at host salon and Alfaparf Milano Professional Domestic Academy, Hairthrone Salon.

The contest was broken down into four different stages in which hair stylists must complete specific tasks to show their mastery and skill set before moving on to the finals. The contestants, all professional hairdressers, must demonstrate their talent, skill, and technique by being fluent in working on all hair types and textures, and being able to showcase technical excellence with their formulation, application, and finished results. Only six finalists were invited to the finals, with Amber emerging as victorious.

This year, Alfaparf Milano Professional USA joined forces with the global team as Amber will go on to compete in the global Color GenHAIRation contest in Milan. As part of the grand prize, the winner of the global contest will create a shade that will be part of the Alfaparf Milano Professional 2023 color portfolio available worldwide.

More About the Colorist of the Year Contest:

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