Karen Roby

Clinic Floor Supervisor/Advanced Educator

Brio Academy


Women of Beauty: Karen RobyFirst job in beauty: Stylist at Shear Timing Salon, 2005

Licensed: Brio Academy (formerly Albert's School of Hair Design), 2005

Three highlights of your career:

  1. Being an educator, nothing is more rewarding then the moment a student has an aah haa moment and truly understands what they are doing and why.
  2. Working with the Andis Clipper Co, as a demonstrator and educator
  3. Being in a televised commercial for Brio Academy of Cosmetology.


Beauty legened you respect: Vivienne Mackinder. She has made her mark in the beauty industry by "not being just a hairdresser."  She has accomplished much through hard work and consistency.  I recently had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Mackinder in person at the Cosmetology Educator’s Association meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona. She has inspired me to challenge myself daily and if I don't get the results I expect then to keep working on them until I do.

Choose beauty because: You become empowered with a sense of artistry.

Quote or mantra: "Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work."—Aristotle

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