Sarajane Maples has honed in on an aesthetic that is individually hers complete with pops of...

Sarajane Maples has honed in on an aesthetic that is individually hers complete with pops of color and airy movement. Here, her hair is by Erica Keelen.

NAHA Styling and Finishing winner Sarajane Maples (@blushandmane) shares her top five tips for capturing your work on Instagram, in a photo studio and beyond.

1. Use a reflector. “Typically a reflector brings out light where you want it,” Maples says.

2. Change up your model’s posing. “Learning how the body is shaped can really help you out in your photography,” she says.

3. Try adding pre-colored extensions. Maples says: “You can even pre-braid them to add a special touch to your image.”

4. Always change up your wardrobe. “Making sure you have the right wardrobe on hand will really change the way your image looks.”

5. Repetition is good. “Do something over and over again until you love it and really hone in on that to make it perfect,” she says.

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