How-To: Fairy-Tale Couture

“Modern, wearable, ethereal,” were the words used by the team when asked to describe the look they were going for on this model.

“It’s an interpretation of a fairy tale,” Christina Kreitel says. Kreitel diluted the fashion color with water to allow the stronger shade to fade within three washes. “It’s a great way to introduce clients to color,” she says.

“The cut is designed so she can do several different styles,” Jacob Khan says. “Clients don’t have to be worried that to have short hair they are committed to one look.”

Hair: 2017 CosmoProf
Artistic Team: Larisa Love, Phil Ring, Jacob Khan, Christina Kreitel, Lo Wheeler
Photographer: Roberto Ligresti
Makeup: David Maderich for
Fashion stylist: Rod Novoa
Nails: Reiko Omae

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