Abbie Addotta, Element Salon Nashville, TN
Abbie Addotta, Element Salon Nashville, TN@abbieaddotta

Inspired by Parisian hair color, Abbie Addotta, artist at Element Salon in Nashville, TN, created these soft brunette hues using shades from L'Oreal Professionnel's Color Me French line.


INOA/Freehand Techniques Powder/Dia Light/Smartbond

Base Formula: INOA ½ 5N + ½ 6.13 and 20-vol INOA Rich Developer with Smartbond Step 1

Balayage Formula: Blond Studio Freehand Techniques Powder and 30-vol Majicreme Developer with Smartbond Step 1

Gloss Formula:  DIA Light ½ 10.32 + ½ 9.13 and 9-vol DIActivateur developer with Smartbond Step 1

Register for an Academy class today!

L'Oreal Professionnel offers education in disciplines such as balayage, styling, color, cutting and development.

Visit: for their 2018 class offerings and registration page!

Lauren Salapatek

Lauren Salapatek

Web Editor

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