Dr. Elizabeth Bahar Houshmand

Dr. Elizabeth Bahar Houshmand

Maya Roszak

Maya Roszak

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Dr. Elizabeth Bahar Houshmand

Dr. Elizabeth Bahar Houshmand

Maya Roszak

Maya Roszak

There is no denying that 2020 is the most traumatic and strange year many stylists and dermatologists have seen in their professional lives. The pandemic has caused significant stressors, and that stress is having a significant impact on client and patient health, both physically and emotionally. Ensuring hair- and scalp health have never been more crucial for stylists and dermatologists, and Viviscal Pro can help them do that along with some resources on how to manage that stress.

We talked with two Viviscal Healthy Hair Ambassadors, Mara Roszak, celebrity hair stylist and salon owner, and Dr. Elizabeth Bahar Houshmand, M.D., a double board-certified dermatologist about their experience with additional stressors for recent patients, how to combat hair loss, and what professionals can do to promote scalp health for women of any age.


Q: Has the hair loss you’ve seen in clients become worse during the pandemic?

Mara Roszak: There have been tremendous shifts in the way we interact without any real sense of [knowing] how long it will continue. There is no doubt that this time has absolutely added to the stress in all of our lives, and clients are carrying the weight of that stress and fear in some way. All of these anxieties, of course, take a toll on our bodies. Stress plays a significant part in temporary hair loss.

Dr. Houshmand: My patients are coming in with signs of significant stressors due to COVID-19 and the changes in their work lives and family lives. They are experiencing stressors that impact their sleep patterns, skin, and hair. I am seeing telogen effluvium in my patients, which occurs approximately three-four months after a stressful event.  When you have a stressful event, you will see a sudden increase in the shedding approximately three-four months after the event.


Q: Do you view visiting a stylist or dermatologist as a version of therapy?

Mara Roszak: Absolutely. We can find it hard to prioritize ourselves and I believe taking the time to treat yourself, your hair in particular, can be so nurturing. Getting your hair done can also be a vulnerable experience which, I believe, is why stylists have the close relationship they often do with their clients. 

Dr. Houshmand: Visiting a dermatologist can be very helpful and reassuring. I can help establish the cause of the hair loss or hair thinning and then develop a customized treatment plan. Providing this reassurance and having a plan can be very helpful in relieving stress and providing my patients comfort in knowing what to expect and having knowledge.


Q: Do you recommend different approaches to different stressors? For example, emotional trauma vs postpartum or just general changes in routine?

Mara Roszak: Absolutely. It is helpful to get to the root cause. For instance, it is common for people going through something traumatic to want a huge change but that isn’t always the best time for it. Having a better understanding of the “why” is most important.

Dr. Houshmand: All stressors whether emotional or physical can cause hair loss. It is critical to know the cause of hair loss and assess my patient’s overall health which includes physical and mental wellbeing. The good news is the hair will come back once the stressor is resolved. Exercise, meditation, proper diet, and sleep are all helpful. Optimizing your vitamins and nutraceuticals like Viviscal PRO is also helpful.


Q: How do you go about making recommendations during a consultation?

Mara Roszak: Viviscal PRO has been my supplement of choice and I often recommend it to clients. Not only is thinning hair such a common concern but so is general hair health. I also have many clients that don’t feel as though their hair grows at all or past a certain length. I find that Viviscal PRO is absolutely reliable, and truly works wonders. Plus, I trust it since it’s been on the market for 25 years. For clients getting married, who are postpartum etc., combined with the right hair products and routine it’s the perfect solution to healthier, thicker hair.
It’s also incredibly convenient. Taking two pills a day rather than 4+ is far easier!

Dr. Houshmand: I recommend Viviscal PRO, their shampoo, and that patients decrease heat styling. This combination therapy of scientifically proven ingredients helps. I always stress to all my hair loss patients: hair growth takes time. Patience is critical and working with your board-certified dermatologist will help identify the type of hair loss and the best treatment options for you. For more information I have put together a hair loss treatment kit on shop my shelf.


Q: How has Viviscal PRO helped you personally?

Mara Roszak: I have personally taken Viviscal throughout the years for hair health and maintenance. Most recently I’ve experienced the shock of postpartum hair loss and intense dryness, and started taking Viviscal to speed up the awkward regrowth phase. My hair is growing in much faster and feels healthier than it did in just a couple of months. 

Dr. Houshmand: Viviscal PRO hair supplements have the natural ingredient AminoMar which has clinically been proven through research to be effective. As a board-certified dermatologist, Viviscal has provided a safe and effective nonprescription option to help my patients achieve optimized hair health and decreased hair shedding.


Learn More About Viviscal Pro here!

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